Sumber :
do you have any kind of experiences such as;
your body have been stuck/paralyzed when you sleep?
Cannot move your body and appearances of ugly entity or ghost?
You fight those thing and when you turn to your back,
you saw YOUR OWN BODY !!!
Oh, no, you are DEAD...
but then, automatically, you awake from a dream, but you felt like so real. And asking your self,
Is it some dream or what. Then, you continued your sleep as usual.
Yes, it called OBE, Out of body experiences or Astral Projection.
An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE)
is an experience that typically involves a sensation of floating outside
of one's body and, in some cases, perceiving one's physical body from a
place outside one's body (wikipedia)
We, human have two type of body;
1- physical body, flesh and bones
2- astral body, fulled with sub-conscious, dream state or spiritual level things
when you asleep, your astral body will go out and lived as you lived
with your physical body as daily life. Your body is resting but your
mind get busy. Why it been busy?
It because, your astral body get out from your physical body and lived as it should.
But, sometimes, your astral body got attach your physical and got so
strong bound. It happen when some entity try to harm you. Your astral
body will protect the body. That why you got stuck when you at paralyzed
If your astral body so strong enough, you will fight back those things.
But, always, when your astral body found your physical body lay down at
your bed room, your mind thought you are dead. That why astral body automatically return to your body to prove you are still alive.
But, today, i glad to enlighten you about OBE and how to get fully
control on your astral body. If you learn enough, you will get what you
want as superhuman such as FLY, INTER DIMENSION, SEE DIED PEOPLE,
and even enter your girl friend house and see what she doing rite now
(or peek her taking bath).
Well, until next time, i will show you the tips how to get fully control
of your own astral body and do ASTRAL PROJECTION JOURNEY.
Stages in OBE
1 Withdrawal stage: Conscious interaction with the
physical environment ceases. Attention is elsewhere, with sensory
inputs going unnoticed; the body is on auto-pilot. Sleeping is an
example of this stage.
2 Cataleptic stage: Movement is totally impaired. Alternative
sensory information may suddenly seem present, such as intense
vibrations, noises and sight through closed eyelids.
3 Separation stage: With effort, the perceptual viewpoint can be
pulled away from the physical body location. Still subject to intense
sensation, pull back towards the body obstructs progression.
4 Free movement stage: Beyond a certain radius, movement becomes
unimpeded, with control increasing markedly. Visual and mental clarity
can vary greatly, from barely functional to exceptional.
At this stage, your ear will have some kind buzzing sound and your body have some movement (but it isn't physically).
5 Re-entry stage: Perceived need to return increases, leading
either to voluntary reversal of separation or extremely fast
involuntary snap-back.
This is when your astral body float above your physical body (and you
mind currently belong to astral body, so you thought nothing happen, but
Malaysian word for OBE is MERAGA SUKMA. Google it and you will find it. Also, i will attach the download link of OBE technique ebook, for FREE (if i remember this promise). Please keep remembering me to this promise. Thank you.
So, please share to your friends if you like this article and hope it will enlighten you somewhere. :D
2 weeks ago
Cikgu Nak Link EBook OBE NI
urm x bahaye ke..sebab klaw kite slah buat n xdpt balek smula ke bdn sendri cmne..ade org ley tolong x nnti..kang xpsl2 jd gler isim..xpown koma
Mr/s Antnomous..
OBE ni tak susah cuma kena rajin berlatih. Kuncinya mind dan bagimana nak trick mind kita spya dia 'terkeluar' dari jasad..Dah tak ingat mana linknya
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